Monday, September 18, 2006

UPDATE # 2: Drug Testing As A Condition Of Attending School

Bill Parkinson of the York Dispatch in Pennsylvania responded to my letter to the editor with a one-line response: "And the York, Pennsylvania, connection is???"

My response:

Hi Bill,

The connection with Pennsylvania is that when moves toward a totalitarian state are made, they do not occur everywhere at once. Rather, like a White House "Trial Balloon", they are introduced a little at a time, to see what the reaction is.

Are you old enough to remember when the police had to have probable cause to pull a person over? Now, under the pretext of stopping drunk drivers, we live in a country where the phrase, "let me see your papers" no longer brings back memories of Nazi Germany, but is now a reality in the USA where roadblocks are set up routinely, stopping every person coming through.

I have no doubt that children in Pennsylvania are force-fed the same drugs that children in Kansas and California are, under threat that if the parent does not allow the drugging, "social workers" will deem the parents "unfit" and take their child away--with the full backing of the "legal" system.

Ultimately, Novartis (Ritalin), McNeil (Concerta) and their ilk have better lobbyists than the street drug vendors. And yet, in the final analysis, there is not much difference between the substances being used.
Since your paper ran a wire service article on what is happening in El Dorado Kansas, that plants the seed for similar insanity in your schools.

If someone in your geographical area does a fraction of the job I have in connecting the proverbial dots, by all means print their letter over mine. But if someone alerted you to the fact that a child was about to get hit by a speeding train, would you ignore the warning merely because the person giving it did not live in York Pennsylvania? Or would you do the right thing and save the child from a most unfortunate fate?


Terry L. Clark


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