Thursday, September 21, 2006

War On Iran In October?

Dave Lindorff, writing in The Nation, presents the case that DerBu$hler is planning to attack Iran in October, approximately October 21st. Well worth reading.

Is this a dangerous game of "chicken"? Lindorff discusses the differing viewpoints on that in some detail.

If it's a game of "chicken", would DerBu$hler accept anything less than complete surrender of Iran's oil fields?

Exactly what is it that DerBu$hler wants Iran to do, anyhow? The demands are somewhat vague--If it's just that Iran stop developing the capacity for nuclear weapons, what if Iran simply responded: "Ok"? After all, Iran has the capability to make quite a mess of things with "conventional" weapons, and with all of the other "goodies" that having the US on an I.V. oil drip can buy. It doesn't really *NEED* nukes.



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