Monday, November 20, 2006

Salon's Twisted Sense Of Propriety

Salon, usually a place of intellectual stimulation--and more than occasional titillation--ran an article,
"Diary Of A Turkey Killer", describing the author raising a turkey, Harold, for six months and then killing Harold. The article goes on to describe the delight the author experienced in eating her former companion.

My response, Posted at Salon, titled "Coming Next From Salon...":

O.J. Simpson's book! Faux won't publish the book or air the interview, but Salon, having taken a sadistic turn for the sick, no doubt will give O.J. all the gratification the he, like Novella Carpenter, can take and bask in!



Blogger ellenr said...

I also found Carpenter's article sick, as well as the majority of the letters in response to it.

There is no lack to the rationalizations people find. Why not just up and say, 'I can kill, I will kill'...

Carpenter wants to be congradulated because she killed it herself.

She is trying to put her lack of empathy, an unfortunate personality trait, in a positive light.


6:39 AM  

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