Monday, January 08, 2007

Two Down, A Few Million More To Go

MARINETTE, Wisconsin (AP) -- In a case that could further expose racial tensions between white residents and Asian immigrants here, a local sheriff said a Hmong man found dead in the woods Saturday was murdered.

Full Story, CNN, January 8, 2007

On the bright side, one killer is dead, and another killer is going to jail.

While it would be most unfortunate if the Hmong man was killed due to his ancestry, were not both killers involved in racism against those sentient beings who walk on fours? These two killers were not seeking food due to necessity, they were killing for "fun". One apparently had more "fun" than the other.

But of course, the mainstream media, so anxious to keep their advertisers happy, particularly those in the flesh (euphemism "meat") industry, will not allow such questions to be raised, because it might cost them some money in the short term.



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