Monday, February 12, 2007

The Co-Conspiring Corporate Press

Tonight's "Breaking News" emails give yet another example of what's wrong with the corporate news media:

6:13 pm, PST: CNN on a Philadelphia murder/suicide
6:16 pm, PST: MSNBC on a Philadelphia murder/suicide
6:27 pm, PST: CNN on a Philadelphia murder/suicide
7:30 pm, PST: MSNBC on a Salt Lake City Utah mall shooting
7:47 pm, PST: ABC News on a Salt Lake City Utah mall shooting

Over at Larry King, we have the full hour, yes the full hour, investigating...Anna Nicole Smith's mysterious demise. Let's see, long-term drug user, mix-and-match...doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the cause, the only question--which, I think, America can wait a few weeks to find out---is whether she was pushed into an overdose a little faster than her own bad habits would have inevitably taken her anyhow.

Meanwhile, DerBu$hler is moving diligently toward murdering over a million Iranians, between the initial attack and the radiation that will kill for many decades to come, not just those currently living but their descendants...where are the resources of the mass media, those brave souls who put it all on the line so that we can learn the truth?

Like George Dubya Bu$h during his National Guard term...AWOL! And the silence makes the corporate media accessories and co-comspirators to impending mass murder.



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