Friday, February 23, 2007

Impeachment: Breaking the Dam in Olympia, Washington

The crowd at the arts center had come to attend an event organized by the Citizens Movement to Impeach Bush/Cheney, a local ad hoc citizens’ organization in this little burg that had convinced the local city council to make the 1000-seat auditorium available for a hearing on impeachment. When I and my two co-speakers, CIA veteran Ray McGovern and former federal prosecutor Elizabeth de la Vega, came out on the stage, we all felt not like political speakers or authors, but like rock stars. The applause was deafening, not just at the start of the program, but after each speaker’s points were made.

Full Article, Dave Lindorff, February 23, 2007


Dave's article is important in showing that, if the Fourth Reich is to be ousted, it will be because the American people rise up and defend what Benjamin Franklin termed, "A republic, if you can keep it".

Meanwhile, in supposedly liberal Humboldt County USA, the pretend "Representative" to the State Legislature, Patty Berg, has no interest in impeachment of the Fourth Reich, but instead has focused her attention on killing off people who are sick, who are a drain on the state budget, who no longer serve the interests of the pharmaceutical drug cartel, and/or who no longer contribute to the industrial machine that chews up cheap labor and spits out the lifeless remains.



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