Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Bogus Headlines = Bogus Reality

The Arkleyville Gazette hasn't been brought up here lately, but today's headline (March 21, 2007) really took the cow pattie on page A6 of their print edition: "Bush says Congress can question aides; Democrats say no".

Uh, do a Google News search on that phrase, and you won't get a single hit. Nor will you with a straight Google search.

As has been covered here before, many, perhaps most, people get their "news" from reading headlines.

The reality? Many commentators have made the point, but Tim over at Salon's "War Room" has one of the best: "You agree that you won't subpoena anyone from the White House, and we'll let those of you we deem "relevant" talk to officials we deem "key" about subjects that we deem "relevant," but you can't do it in public, you can't have a transcript, and you can't issue a subpoena later even if you think that whoever it is we let you interview has lied to you along the way.

Perhaps it's just another Humboldt County denizen who writes headlines while enjoying our top export, rather than a crude attempt to sell the public a load of Bu$h.



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