Friday, April 27, 2007

Sorrow Over The Changes Affecting Te "Good and Honest"

Letter to the editor by Nancy Woodward, April 25, 2007:

Writer feels sorrow over the changes affecting the 'good and honest'

Dear Editor,

Donald Rumsfeld said one thing Americans should never forget, with a candor we should admire: “We’re growing hatred over there faster than we can kill it.”

I grew up in a time when I honestly believed that foreign aid meant supporting fine, idealistic American doctors, nurses and teachers doing heroic work around the world.

I thought we stood for feeding the poor and vaccinating the children.

My mother was among the first in our family to see the change. She said of the banking and savings and loan debacle, “We are going broke on bad loans to Third World dictators so they can buy weapons from us to prevent democracy in their own countries.”

My dad and my uncle, lifelong Republicans, left the party years ago. Dad said, “If the best they can do is Rush Limbaugh — I just can’t belong to their club anymore.”

To be honest, he also left the Sierra Club the same year, out of similar disappointment in the lack of integrity that had earned his membership dues and more, over decades of loyal giving.

Good and honest people are bewildered today, heartbroken. Our country has been handed over to the military-industrial complex that Ike warned us about. They are the oligarchy who rule the world today. HQ, the White House.

Google up PNAC, and weep. They’ve won. Now what?

Nancy Woodward
Blue Lake

Letter to the editor of The Eureka Reporter by Nancy Woodward, April 25, 2007


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