Purchasing Local Political Offices In Kalifornia
The hacks in the Kalifornia legislature apparently find that notion completely repugnant. Local control of local elections? The corporations won't stand for that!
Dangerous bill
AB 1430, by Assemblymember Martin Garrick (R–San Diego), was introduced in response to complaints by the Republican Party that the San Diego Ethics Commission was interfering with its ability to bankroll candidates. The GOP was collecting unlimited donations made directly to the party with the understanding that they would be spent on an individual candidate's campaign. That ran afoul of local laws capping donations to candidates and requiring detailed disclosure.
And although Common Cause, the League of Women Voters, and the ethics panels in Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco all oppose it, both major political parties back the bill, and it won approval in the assembly, 77–0.
The only opponent so far in the senate is Carole Migden (D–San Francisco)...
Full story, SF Bay Guardian, July 17, 2007
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