China Hysteria & The New Arms Race (Or Worse)
So I fired off an email to Moms Rising, because they and much of the rest of the public seem to be swallowing the propaganda:
Please put the purple Kool Aid down before the whole planet goes up in smoke.
Do you seriously think that China just now suddenly started using nasty chemicals in their products such as lead?
Do you seriously think that US manufacturers aren't poisoning the American people right-and-left? There's a new study out, for example, showing that our cats are being poisoned by the garbage put in carpet. And guess what else is at ground level? Children. Do a Google search on
carpets cats thyroid
So what's up? The military-industrial complex needs a new Boogeyman to scare the American people into supporting more military spending. Hey, this Iraq thing isn't going so well, and the Generals just might revolt if DerBu$hler sends American boys and girls into Iran.
And the corporate news media is, as usual, operating as an adjunct to the White Man's House Press Office.
So, you really want to see something bad to children? Buying into the Bu$hit that could very well lead to WW III is just the ticket. The ashes of the children will glow in the dark, and as Nikita Khrushchev said, "The living will envy the dead".
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