Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Burma And The US

Protest Continue In Burma, In Defiance of Military Junta

In Burma, tens of thousands of monks and protesters are marching through the city of Rangoon today in defiance of military orders.

Source, and full item, Democracy Now, September 25, 2007

Separate expanded segment, Democracy Now, September 25, 2007:
Burmese Protesters Defy Military Warning to Continue Marches Against Ruling Junta


Meanwhile, in the USA, tens of thousands of supposedly religious ministers, reverends, and so on, sit on their hands because they fear if they take on the Fourth Reich, they will 1) Offend those in the church that they hope will die leaving lots of money for the church to build a bigger temple; 2) Offend those they expect will continue buying their stairway to heaven while alive; and 3) Lose their tax exempt status, and we all know that God conditions our beliefs on whether we can write off our support of God on our taxes.



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