The "Get Over It" Refrain
Hallzee, in response to my Post at Rolling Stone on MoveOn's ad, stated:
Fascist, Fascist, Fascist.
That is the lib’s answer for everything. Just be honest and admit that the Dems don’t want to see any good come from Iraq.
And TLC, this has nothing to do with your sour grape, stolen election theory. Get over it!
That non sequitur being so stale you could make enough penicillin to supply the US for at least a year, needs to be nailed once and for all. My response, Posted at Rolling Stone:
"Sour Grapes"? If I break into your house tonight and steal all your stuff, will you "get over it" as soon as I'm gone? By the time I sell your stuff on the streets? If not then, when?
That's what I thought...
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