Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Major Financial Disruption

It appears that the world in general and the United States in particular are on the edge of a major disruption in the global financial system. Here’s the summary as we see it.

Source, and full article, Arlington Institute, November 14, 2007


There is no way to do such a thorough yet concise article justice by attempting to summarize it here, but here's an outline: Basically, if the authors are correct, things are going to fall apart starting in December 2007, with the worsening credit crunch/lack of Christmas spending; approximately February 2008 the Chinese address more seriously what to do with all the US Treasury Bills (which have bankrolled the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq) they're stuck holding; and getting even worse come March 2008 when it becomes clear the dollar is not going to come bouncing back, and OPEC starts pricing oil based on the Euro.



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