Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Bu$h Family Thievery--Ready For Jeb?

A government money market debacle unfolding in Florida is raising questions about former governor and presidential brother Jeb Bush's possible involvement in the mess…

Of course! Where ever there's a Bush and public money, you can count on some sort of massive fraud that costs the taxpayers billions.


You've got George, Sr. and the S&L fiasco of the eighties, which required over a billion dollars of taxpayer money to bail out his son Neil's Silverado Savings and Loan alone after Neil's own pardners defaulted on a bunch of lousy loans Neil made to them.

You've got George, Sr., again, in the eighties with this incredibly bizarre intelligence operation run out of the Vice President's office, involving drugs, selling weapons to terrorists, and funding the worst kind of depraved murdering thugs the South American military juntas could turn loose on Central America.

Then, in the end, everyone got pardoned or sweet immunity deals, before Bush, Sr. sent in the United States military to take out Noriega for reasons that have never, to this day, been made clear to the American People.

The taxpayers got the bill. God only knows what the real point of all that was.

You've got George, Jr. making a fortune off of the Arlington Sports Authority, using the government power of eminent domain and taxpayer subsidies to seize private property for the benefit of himself and his pardners.

You've got George and Jeb defrauding taxpayers and using public property to benefit their family friends by overpaying for worthless gas and oil rights in the Everglades and pretending it's all about protecting the environment.

You've got Neil poking his ugly, greedy mug back up from under whatever rock he slithered under to cash in on his big brudder's No Child Left Behind thing.

You've got the unprecedented, inefficient, out of control private contracting of government functions under George W., basically using taxpayer money to subsidize non-competitive Republican bidnessmen.

You had George W. trying to channel your taxpayer provided Social Security to his family friends and associates on Wall Street, just like he did with your taxpayer provided Medicare to his family friends and associates in the pharmaceutical industry.

And on and on...

Basically, this is an entire family that sees the Federal gubment as nothing more than a giant, bottomless piggy bank for their own personal bidness schemes. This is a family that views the Great American People as nothing more than captive, involuntary investors for them, their friends, their families, and their supporters.

Source, and more: Bottle Of Blog, December 3, 2007


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