Sunday, January 20, 2008

"Think Big"

White House Tapes Transcript, April 25, 1972

Nixon: See, the attack in the North that we have in mind... power plants, whatever's left--POL (petroleum), the docks....And I still think we should take the dikes out now. Will that drown people?

Kissinger: About two hundred thousand people.

Nixon: No, no, no... I'd rather use the nuclear bomb. Have you got that Henry?

Kissinger: That, I think, would just be too much.

Nixon: The nuclear bomb, does that bother you? I just want you to think big, Henry, for chrissakes. The only place where you and I disagree is with regard to the bombing. You're so goddamned concerned about civilians, and I don't give a damn. I don't care.

Kissinger: I'm concerned about the civilians because I don't want the world mobilized against you as a butcher.

Source: Nixon White House Tapes, recorded April 25, 1972

Special thanks to Lapham's Quarterly, Volume 1, Number 1 (Winter 2008) for printing the above in its premier issue, a publication I highly recommend.


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