Lipstick On Grand Larceny
You can barrels of lipstick on Dick Cheney and the Wall Street Bandits Handout Bill all you want, but it's still grand larceny. It is still like giving the keys to the vault to an unrepentant Al Capone. It is time to come out STRONGLY against this massive ripoff. The alternative is to join the gang of thieves, the same people that trashed this economy with the racist genocidal War For Oil And Empire, who trashed the Constitution with the "Patriot Act", who under the guise of "deregulation" opened the floodgates to mass looting and who, with this long track record of thievery and pathological lying, want another $700 billion - $1.5 billion.
If you want to save the economy: (1) Impeach Dick Cheney and George Bush TODAY; (2) Stop the wars that are bleeding this country dry NOW; (3) Make Al Gore Interim President, and require the November elections be conducted with hand-counted paper ballots so that we can, once again, have free and fair elections.
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