Thursday, November 19, 2009

What A GOP Takeover Would Look Like

I received an email from the DemocRATic Governors Association reciting various horrors that a REPUGlican takeover would bring.

But there's a few things they missed...:

A takeover would continue what we are already getting. Wars for oil and empire. The US economy in tatters. Our infrastructure being sold to China, Spain, and other nations. False Flag operations. Medication of the masses. A health care system that provides a financial IV from wallets of the working class to the treasuries of the insurance conglomerates. Governors pushing mandatory toxic vaccinations upon innocent children.

But at least with REPUGlicans in power, the sheeple just might get a little agitated, rather than being herded into the mentality of, "The DemocRAT's bad but the REPUGlican's worse so we have to support the DemocRAT and keep our mouth shut."



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