Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Massachusetts Fiasco

What passes for analysis in the corporate media is lame, as usual.

Martha Coakley made it clear that she would be an Obamaton, voting for whatever "healthcare" screwjob comes out of the best CONgress that insurance and pharmaceutical drug cartel money can buy.

Coakley never adequately addressed the question of what would happen to the current Massachusetts system under Obamacare. For better or worse, the Massachusetts system was a known quantity.

Contrast Coakley's performance with the Late Senator Edward Kennedy. The people of Massachusetts felt that Kennedy would stand up for them, and that at least to some extent would stand up to a tyrannical President. They had no reason to think Coakley would do anything other than stand down, anything other than roll over.

Brown came across as superficial, dancing around, avoiding, and refusing to meaningfully answer, questions about his past voting record. His being bought-and-paid for by corporate interests was obvious to anyone with an IQ exceeding their age.

Both candidates endorsed the myth of 9/11.

So what was a Massachusetts voter to do? The only candidate worth voting for was Joseph L. Kennedy (no relation to the Kennedy Dynasty). A libertarian, he repeatedly pointed out how Coakley and Brown had no clothes. He took head-on the fact we can't--and shouldn't--keep waging wars for oil and empire around the world. He took the position that not only can't we afford to do that, he stood up and said that we should not do that. He pointed out the obvious, that any "wins" are far outweighed by the additional enemies we make.

For many, it was a judgment call of the lesser of two evils, forgetting or ignoring that the lesser of two evils is still evil.

The corporate press claims that Brown had the support of the "teabaggers". The FauxNews teabaggers, perhaps, but not the genuine-original-legitimate Ron Paul teabaggers who Joseph L. Kennedy was an honorable member of. Memo to Ron Paul supporters: Take your movement back!

Questions about the election being stolen are significant. See Black Box Voting, BradBlog, and Mark Crispin Miller. Like John "Skull & Bones" Kerry before her, Coakley has quickly surrendered, ignoring the many questions about the legitimacy of the "election". Coakley has, like Kerry, served her role as giving the illusion that we live in a two-party state.



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