Those paying attention know that George Bush was part-and-parcel of the 9/11 attacks on America. But is it any better that BP announced it would attack America with millions of gallons of cancerous/otherwise toxic "dispersants", Barack Obama did nothing, and BP carried out its attack? And likewise, neither of the two supposedly different "political parties" did anything before or after the fact.
So much of the fearmongering from the "left"--and the same thing is happening on the "right"--focuses on some of the nutcases and Brownshirts running for office, while completely ignoring the worthlessness, indeed the similarity in results, from the corporate DemocRATS. The best example of this is Nevada. It's easy to beat up on Sharon Angle, Harry Reid couldn't have picked a better "opponent"--yet Reid is so deserving of permanent retirement, let him go formally work for the special interests he has helped for all these years. Pity Alaska, with it's main "choices" being Joe "Jackboot" Miller and Lisa "What's-She-On" Murkowski"
But do go out and vote, just find a third-party to vote for (unless one of the candidates, like Meg Whitman, is simply too vile to risk). Write-In someone in your community that you would actually *support* being in office. Write in Dennis Kucinich or Ron Paul. Hell, if all else fails, wherever you are, write-in Terry Lee Clark of Arcata, California. But don't stay home and do nothing, go forth and at least start doing something. With limited exceptions like Whitman/Brown, stop voting for the lesser of evils, because you always end up supporting evil. Stop "choosing" between Hitler and Mussolini, because either way you get the same thing. The game is rigged, the cards are marked. As I often say, "When you don't like the way the game is going, change the rules".
Remember the Declaration Of Independence and its reference to the "consent of the governed"? It's time to withdraw that consent!
And if you went to public schools or otherwise never gained an appreciation for the ACTUAL eternal struggle that maintaining a Constitutional Republic requires, get a copy of Naomi Wolf's excellent "Give Me Liberty: A Handbook For American Revolutionaries".
Then start looking for people--perhaps yourself--to run for office that actually have integrity.
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