Tuesday, November 06, 2012

"Stealing" The Presidency, 2012 Version

The hysteria over the Repugs "stealing" the Presidential (s)election is hitting fever pitch.

The real concern should be with theft of lower offices, and here in California Ballot Initiatives.  There's substantial reason to believe that California's Proposition 8, defining marriage as only between man and woman, supposedly "passed" in 2008, was actually defeated.  Bradblog is one of the few outlets to cover that

In Obama's total surveillance society, does anyone really think something so massive could go on without numerous Federal law enforcement agencies knowing about it?

Just as in 2000, when Bill Clinton turned a blind eye and Al Gore kept silent and gave us 8 years of Dubya Bu$h, if it happens, it will be with the consent of the "defeated".

C'mon, tho, this "contest" is like a "fight" between Simon Bar Sinister and Riff Raff...



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