The "School" Bond And Tax Increase Scam
Apparently, they believe that their long-term mission to dumb-down Americans has been a complete success.
These are the same "schools" that are shoving "Common Core" down our throats, which takes an already-bad system and makes it even worse. The same "schools" that force millions of children to take dangerous and toxic psychiatric drugs, the same "schools" that lie to parents about how "vaccines" are "safe and effective" and "must" be taken notwithstanding available legal Exemptions, the same "schools" that use construction monies to dole out favors to their friends and supporters.
For years, by their own tacit admission, the "schools" have failed to perform basic maintenance, and now want new toys that they can likewise break. It is as if you asked for a new house periodically after letting your old one go to hell due to neglect.
Once again, the same-old song is brought out, that only Bonds and higher taxes will save the "schools".
But save them from what? From consequences for their generations of complete, utter, irresponsibility. From genuine reform. From providing a genuine education where children are given facts rather than indoctrination and lies, where young minds are given critical thinking skills that would allow them to see through claptrap such as more Bonds and higher taxes.
You may have seen the 1912 Bullitt County 8th Grade Examination. It bears repeating. How many 8th Graders, High School Graduates, College Graduates, would do well on that test today? And yet the "schools" come clamoring for more money so this long-term downward trend can continue.
Historically, Japanese officials who had performed so poorly would have removed themselves from office permanently. Since government officials in the US are so devoid of moral compasses, we must take the reins of power back starting with voting down their proposed Bonds and tax increases.
Then we must follow-up with Recall Petitions and finding principled people who have the time, energy, and morality, to run for office and restore public "schools" as institutions that provide at least some genuine education and critical thinking skills.
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