Friday, December 25, 2015

Miracles III

But Christmas miracles only happen in the lies adults tell to children.

And maybe in Christmas specials.

Mr.Uberwitz put on the play as scheduled.

Not a single word was changed.

And so, by some miracle, the world saw my vision that night.

The Adventures of Black Jesus received a 20-minute standing ovation.

It was called "a stunning revolution in theatre" by the Woodcrest Post Gazette.

Unfortunately, the PTA protest had gained some ground.

Seems that people didn't care about my vision.

They cared about seeing their kids on stage.

Who knew

Mr.Uberwitz was fired for disobeying orders and for generally being an irresponsible white person.

He would later become a professor of African American Studies at the University of Maryland.

No video exists of the one-time-only performance of The Adventures of Black Jesus.

Just as well.

I hate looking at my old work.

--The Boondocks: "A Huey Freeman Christmas"


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