Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Straight Out Of Orwell: "Contact Tracing"

Originally Posted on April 26, 2020, on Health Care To Die For.

Straight out of Orwell. Or China, East Germany, Hitler's Germany. Or, for that matter, the Total Information Awareness that came out of the first 8 years of the Bu$h I Regime (you don't really think Reagan was in charge after Bu$h Family Friend Hinkley was set up to be the patsy, do you?).

The First Amendment guarantees Freedom Of Association, a Freedom not contingent upon your being grilled by government thugs. Or watched 24/7/365 by cameras, your own phone, by snitches, and in many other ways.

What happens if you don't give up names when interrogated? Or sign the "contract"? Or refuse to agree to turn over your cell phone data and have your phones "monitored"? Who does your shopping and pays for your food/living expenses when you're under house arrest ("quarantine")? What happens when you refuse their poison " treatment"?

Many states fall short of mandate to track virus exposure

If the government gave a flying rat's rectum about your health, GMOs would be banned, along with 5G and almost all (perhaps all) "vaccines". The FDA would be protecting us from toxic drugs and promoting natural *cures*. Billygoat Gates would be at Gitmo for Crimes Against Humanity, along with many officers/directors/employees of drug companies.



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