Thursday, May 27, 2021

Facebook Censorship Goes Even Further Off The Rails

Another mind-boggling in-your-face announcement from FB today (Thursday), below.

Because some members of "FB Group A" used to be members of other FB Groups that FB wiped out, now an Administrator of FB Group A has to review each and every Posting that any member of FB Group A wishes to make for at least a month.

It doesn't matter whether the person was ever a member of any group that FB has wiped out. Rather, there shall be Collective Guilt, Collective Punishment, Guilt By Association--take your choice or all of the above.

The Administrator(s) of FB Group A, besides having to do extra work, has now been put on notice by FB that, gasp!, some of the group members may be "subversives", "independent thinkers", "Enemies Of The State". Be careful, Administrators of FB Group A, if your little ruffians speak too much truth, your group too may be eradicated from FB earth!

FB Group A has also been implicitly given notice that it will be carefully monitored by The Truth Police, by the Fact Maker-Uppers.

Another day, another step in FB being a Truth-Free Zone when it comes to certain topics.

Now, more than ever, back up your FB Account(s) often, and consider simultaneously Posting on other social media sites.


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