Sunday, July 11, 2021

Understanding The "Vaccine" Propaganda

Three items on understanding and documenting the over-the-top "vaccine" propaganda being pushed. One of the interesting things is how crude and superficial it is. It's almost as if...<gasp>, the propaganda is just a formality so as to justify the far more savage means that PedoJoe and those who pull his strings plan to implement.

10-Page PDF from the World Economic Forum:

Shaping Conversations on Vaccines
How to Build Trust in Vaccines
Understanding the drivers of vaccine confidence
MAY 2021

Direct PDF Link:

The May 2021 Report mentions several times the lack of trust in the system and concerns about vaccine safety, For example, at page 4:

"Lack of trust in the system and concerns about side-effects and safety of vaccines are the two
most common drivers of vaccine reluctance and low confidence."

Yet nowhere in the "Report" is any effort made to document or show that the lack of trust in the system or in "vaccines" is anything other than 100% accurate. The WEF's silence is deafening.

From the World Economic Forum website:

3 tactics to overcome COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy

Daily Expose--Excellent analysis of the "3 Tactics" article above:

World Economic Forum releases guide on how to coerce and manipulate public into getting the Covid-19 Vaccine



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