Friday, August 25, 2023

Clown Show Double Feature

Dr. Jane takes on [August 23rd's] clown shows, Carlson-Trump and Faux-Midgets.

I watched, mainly listened since the video didn't add much, the Tucker Carlson-Donald Trump theater screen. The lack of any real substance I found to be another unsettling red flag. Sure there was some bait, perhaps foreshadowing, questions like, are you afraid they are going to try to kill you Mr. President. Hard truths, hard questions, such as all the maimings and killings from the bioweapons? No questions, no answers.

The excrement from Faux was clearly foretold. Numerous emails from not just Faux, but also the other corporate media outlets shilling the shite. None of the 8 dwarfs has ever remotely shown themselves (perhaps the grammatically correct word is “themself”, but “themselves” conveys the MPD each exhibit) to be anything other.

Dr. Jane does a great concise job of covering the freak shows, and expands into related areas as well. Only 28:52, and all you really need is the audio.

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