Saturday, June 10, 2006

Hospital Cover-Ups: Banning Cameras During Birth

An interesting article in the Kansas City Star, on how hospitals are increasingly preventing people from taking videos of children being born.

Why? It’s all about the money. Not patient care or privacy. Money.

Hospitals and physicians are concerned that, if something goes wrong during the delivery, video of the birth could come back to haunt them in a courtroom.

"It’s become more of an issue in the last three years," said Tim Martin, an obstetrician and president of the Women’s Healthcare Group in Overland Park. "Perhaps that’s related to the worsening malpractice climate for OB-GYNs."

How sad that in the interest of “balance”, the article gives so much space to absurd claims by the hospitals, such as that they are “worried about disruptions” and “privacy rights”.



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