Friday, June 23, 2006

Millionaires For Thompson

The House of Representatives voted 269-156 Thursday to exempt multimillion-dollar estates from taxation. Under the House bill, estates worth up to $5 million (individuals) or $10 million (couples) would be exempt from the estate tax; taxes for even larger estates -- those worth up to $25 million -- would be reduced dramatically from the current levels.
Full Article, Salon, June 23, 2006

Northern California Congressman Mike Thompson, normally on the moderate-liberal side of things, decided to vote for the permanent Estate Tax cut. Why? Who paid him off? Or promised to not contribute to his opponent? Or cut/did not cut a check in a non-traceable direction?

Thompson joined 42 other "Democrats". Check out how your Congressperson voted. Who's writing the checks to buy these votes? And 226 fully-blown Republicans voted for the cut, with only 2 voting against it?



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