Wednesday, June 21, 2006

OMG They're Censoring Ann Coulter!

One of the interesting fallouts over the latest Ann Coulter outrage--there are so many, this time it's her attack on the 9/11 widows--is that some newspapers around the country have been canceling her column. Which usually gets Coulter a plug for her latest book, which I will not name ((S)He Whose Name Shall Not Be Spoken) any more than I would give Hitler a plug for his political manifesto.

One of the papers canceling Fräulein Coulter's column is The Salina [Kansas] Journal, on June 16, 2006. This act of rebellion has generated numerous calls to the Journal's "Extension 333 Line", a place where any crackpot can leave a voice message without identifying him or her self (in Coulter's case, that's a separate question). That led to my letter to the editor, below, emailed today, which connects a number of dots for the thinking impaired. I will update this Posting should it actually be published.


Dear Editor:

Help me with understanding modern midwestern moral standards:

How is it that Ann Coulter's speech, at Philander Smith College, on January 26, 2006, in which she stated, "We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens' creme brulee", is perfectly acceptable to the Journal and quite a few of its readers. Only when Coulter trash talks some of the many victims of 9/11 does the Journal finally pull the plug.

Many have called your Extension 333 Line, anonymously and in the chickenhawk style of the Draft Dodger In Chief (only the little people fight wars), protesting the removal of Coulter's venom, a poison spewed throughout this country in the classic tradition of Goebbels. How courageous, warmongers hiding behind the Journal's protective shield of anonymity, and not a single one of those calls coming from Iraq. At least Tom Bell and Ann Coulter are willing to stand up and be counted for their beliefs.

Coulter's latest blast was on some of the brave citizens who raise very legitimate and troubling questions about the pretext for this country's launching of the Holy War For Oil And Empire, er, War Of Terror, er, "War On Terror". Remind me, please, which of the Ten Commandments said, "Thou Shalt Kill". And which nations would Jesus invade, killing the inhabitants by the droves for power, natural resources, and corporate profits?


Terry L. Clark


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