Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Univ Of Colorado: No Thinking Zone

The top official at the University of Colorado's flagship campus said Monday he intends to fire Ward Churchill, the professor who compared some World Trade Center victims to a Nazi and then landed in hot water over allegations of academic misconduct.
Full Story, San Francisco Chronicle, June 26, 2006

My email to Interim Chancellor Philip DiStefano, with a copy to the Professor Churchill's webpage at the university before it's torn down too!

Herr Commandant DiStefano:

College campuses, along with the rest of the United States Of America, used to be places where people were not just free to express their thoughts, but outright encouraged to by such subversive instruments as the Declaration Of Independence and the Bill Of Rights.

Fortunately, under the New World Order that you seek to help establish, thinking shall become a banned activity. The truth shall no longer be deemed to set one free, but rather shall be grounds for firing.

A professor of mine from years ago, before thinking was banned from college campuses, pointed out that there’s the “good reason” and then there’s the “real reason”. In the case of Ward Churchill, your pretexts for enforcing the dictates of the Thought Police are so tissue-thin as to fall far short of even a “mediocre reason”.

When do the book burnings begin?


Terry L. Clark
Arcata, California


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