Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Chronic(le) Disconnect

A doctor and two nurses were arrested Tuesday after Louisiana's attorney general accused them of using lethal injections to kill four elderly New Orleans hospital patients during the hellish aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Quoting other hospital staff, a state affidavit portrayed Dr. Anna Pou as methodically ordering up a list of patients remaining at the flooded Memorial Medical Center, three days after the storm. Many already had been evacuated from the hospital, which was surrounded by 5 feet of water and was baking in 100-degree-plus heat. The sickest, however, were still there.

All three were released without bail Tuesday. But the arrest warrant prepared by the attorney general says the three committed second-degree murder, a crime that could draw a life sentence.

SF Chronicle--send your own and Post it in the comments section, below:

Dear Editor,

A doctor and two nurses face imprisonment for the rest of their lives for what, with 20-20 hindsight, MIGHT have been an error in judgment. At a time when FEMA flailed hopelessly in Katrina's aftermath and Bu$h told Cuba that he would rather see people die than receive help from Cuban doctors, three medical professionals had to make difficult choices in how to best prevent four extremely physically ill patients from senseless suffering.

Meanwhile, Bu$h, Cheney, Rumsfeld & Co. have killed, maimed, and tortured over 100,000 innocent people to expand the US corporate empire, yet they continue to live lives of luxury, no pesky Nuremberg Tribunal to rain on their parade.

To top off this total disconnect, the Chronicle chose to run three dark, forbidding photographs of the accused that are more befitting something out of a showtrial in a third-world nation than of the United States Of America where the presumption of innocence is still cherished-well, unless it clashes with an opportunity to hawk more newspapers through sensationalism.


Terry L. Clark


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