URGENT: Help Save Ginger, A Scared Sweet Pomeranian In Ohio
Petition: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/562271171
Picture Of Ginger: http://www.petfinder.com/fotos/OH240/OH240.6652396-1-pn.jpg
My comments added to the Petition:Ohio's reputation is already in the toilet for its use of gas chambers to murder innocent cats and dogs, a mentality reminiscent of Nazi Germany. Let the sparing of this sweet girl's life mark the first step toward change.--TLC, signatory # 1,143
And then I sent the following letter, below, to the editor of the Medina County Gazette, http://www.medina-gazette.com, email address for letters opinion@ohio.net Be sure to include your name, address, and daytime phone number! In this case, anonymous letters aren't going to have the effect that people
Dear Editor,
I am quite outraged that the Medina County Animal Shelter plans to murder, on July 25, 2006, a sweet and terrified Pomeranian because she panicked and bit someone.
According to the Shelter, the Medina County Health Department requires that all animals who bite someone while imprisoned must be killed. However, informed sources at the Health Department are clear that is NOT Health Department policy.
Ohio's reputation is already in the toilet for its use of gas chambers to murder innocent cats and dogs, a mentality reminiscent of Nazi Germany. Let the sparing of this sweet Pomeranian's life mark the first step toward change.
And may the citizens of your community rise up and demand that those running the "Shelter" be replaced with people that have a heart and a brain.
Terry L. Clark
If a dog bites someone in the shelters in Ohio, they go into quarantine and then are killed!! No matter what, they won't let a rescue take...they kill the dog regardless. This scared little pom bit someone at the Medina Shelter and is in quarantine now. She will be killed on Tuesday the 25th if we do NOT flood Sharon with calls and let her know our feelings on this. This dog has a rescue willing to take...there should be NO reason to kill this dog. Please call Sharon NOW. This dog only has a few days left. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Sharon Rey County Commissioner's office330-722-9212 (this is in Ohio)
In a message dated 7/20/2006 6:33:32 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, linda.furness1@btinternet.com writes:
Please take a moment of your time and help us save Little Ginger.... Sign the petition & Cross Post!!!!! http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/562271171
LOOK at her face, We all know how scared these little ones can be!!! She does not deserve to die!!!! http://www.petfinder.com/fotos/OH240/OH240.6652396-1-pn.jpg
Here is Ginger's story. She was picked up as a stray and put in the pound she bit an employee of the Medina County Animal Shelter on Saturday July 15, 2006. Then she was placed in quarenteen for 10 days. A Pom Posse Volunteer called and they said no rescue could take. They turned it over to Regina another very dedicated Pom Posse Volunteer and she called and talked to the animal shelter two days straight July 17th and 18th. They said she will be PTS after the quarenteen period is over no matter the outcome. This is their policy. No adopter or rescue can take the dog once it has biten someone. I did ask for a waiver and was denied this option. The animal control officers say the health department of the county made this rule. But all the health department employees tell me that that is not true.
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