Impeachment Now: Petition Congress To Impeach Bu$h
Petition Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., who may throw your Petition in the trash, but WILL pay attention to the numbers of Petitioner he receives. To ensure the Petition is actually recorded and counted, send a copy to Rep. John Conyers. Print out pages 3 through 6 at
Petition YOUR Congressperson too. Print out pages 2 and 3 at
~ Impeach For Peace ~~
• DIY Impeachments: Send on NOW, Tell your friends today ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
• DIY Impeachments: Send NOW, Tell your friends...
CRITICAL: Email the following announcement to your contact lists...
---Mail going out in tomorrow's post will contain hundreds of thousands legal documents sent to the houses of Congress to initiate formally the impeachment of President George W. Bush. Put yours in the mail on Thursday, October 12th!
To do this, citizens will use a little known and rarely used part of the Rules of the House of Representatives. This procedure empowers individual citizens to initiate the impeachment process themselves. Although not well publicized prior to 2006, the method was discovered by Jodin Morey, an organizer for the Minneapolis-based group Impeach for Peace.
While researching the "Jefferson’s Manual," an interpretive guide to parliamentary procedure included (along with the Constitution) in the bound volumes of the Rules of the House of Representatives, Morey learned that there are multiple acceptable methods of bringing impeachment motions to the floor of the House. An impeachment Memorial, or "Do-It-Yourself Impeachment," is one of these. The process is ratified by each Congress--including the current one--and has been updated continuously through the history of our democracy.
DIY Impeachment has been used successfully before. An 1830 Memorial by Luke Edward Lawless was successful in initiating the impeachment of Federal Judge James H. Peck. This Memorial became the template for DIY Impeachment. After considerable research, Impeach for Peace is now certain that it has a legal document that U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert must recognize.
Any citizen can download the DIY Impeachment Memorial and submit it, making it possible for Americans to do what our representatives have been unwilling to do. The idea is for so many people to submit the Memorial that it cannot be ignored.
DIY Impeachment is part of the law, and legally, Hastert must recognize it. Another organizer for the group, Mikael Rudolph, explains: "He might still toss them all in the trash, but with House Minority Leader John Conyers also receiving copies, Hastert can be held accountable by Conyers."
Impeach for Peace is asking everyone to send in the memorials on a single date, October 12th. Rudolph continues, "Imagine dozens of extra trucks called into service to deliver tons of mail to Speaker Hastert and Congressman Conyers in mid to late October. The DIY Impeachment has been downloaded over 200,000 times."
Be a part of history:
• It will take more than emails to accomplish our goal.
We need people to get out into the world and get involved. Calling all concerned citizens...Activate!
We need leaders. Ask yourself if you're willing to put in the time to help make this happen. No heiarchy, no egos. Our organization is proud of the fact that anybody who has the desire can step up and make things happen. There are a few of us who started things initially, but we're all in agreement that this movement must be democratic, and open to all. Anyone who wants to step up and make this happen, is free to. We'll provide you any resources to which we have access to help make your dreams of Bush-Free America come true.
We do need your help. This can't happen without people stepping up to demand Bush step down. Please contact us, come to a meeting (info on the website), and become a player in this movement. We have plenty of projects which are as-of-yet undone. Which one of you would like to head up the project to get the Minnesota Legislature to pass an impeachment resolution? We know how, and can provide you the resources necessary.
• Become a sponsor...
Organizing requires resources. So far, most of the funding of this cause has been borne by those attending the meetings. However, we will obviously not be able to afford the costs associated with this whole movement as it grows. Please think of how important this effort is, and ask yourself if you can contribute to this cause of ours. Even $10 or $20 can really make a huge difference to us. You can do so on our website by clicking on the "Donate" button. Or, feel free to come to a meeting, and donate in person. We'd love to mention you as a sponsor on the website, or feel free to remain anonymous. You may choose to sponsor a specific cause. Perhaps a freeway banner? We'll be posting some specific needs related to our October protest soon. We are not-for-profit, so every dollar goes to Impeach Bush. Help us to reclaim our democracy.
• Recurring events
For details:
Every Tuesday-7:30pm Minneapolis World Can't Wait Meeting For 1.5 hours.
Other Impeach For Peace Resources...
Do-It-Yourself Impeachment:
See all the events at
Join us for discussion at
See our blog at
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