Australian Sheep Cruelty: Truth As A Revolutionary Act
That didn't go over so good with Moi, so I fired off the following letter to the editor:
Dear Editor:
It is interesting that you call yourselves, "Australia's most prestigious daily newspaper", claim ,"We welcome your comments.", then fail to publish comments that disagree with the false reality you wish to portray.
Case in point: Your article, "Rhetoric: Little Bo Peep", at I have submitted the same comment twice, yet have not even received the courtesy of a response, nor has it been Posted.
Since it has apparently been deleted from your system, an Orwellian action to be sure, let me remind you of what you have conveniently removed from your memory:
Perhaps some unnecessary "medical procedures" on certain Australian sickos who have no hesitancy in inflicting extreme pain to save a little money would put an end to the barbarism euphemistically called "mulesing".
Were my Post in poor taste, or had it contained obscenity, this would be a different situation. Had it been submitted to your print version, then you could have claimed there was not enough space. What is your excuse for your online version, that your publication has run out of electrons or server space?
Freedom of the press goes far beyond using newspapers as printing presses for currency. It carries with it solemn duties, otherwise it becomes but just another corporate or governmental arm.
Terry L. Clark
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