Tuesday, February 13, 2007

"Support The Troops" My A**

The Bush administration's budget assumes cuts to funding for veterans' health care two years from now — even as badly wounded troops returning from Iraq could overwhelm the system.
The proposed cuts are unrealistic in light of recent VA budget trends — its medical care budget has risen every year for two decades and 83 percent in the six years since Bush took office — sowing suspicion that the White House is simply making them up to make its long-term deficit figures look better.

"Either the administration is willingly proposing massive cuts in VA health care," said Rep. Chet Edwards of Texas, chairman of the panel overseeing the VA's budget. "Or its promise of a balanced budget by 2012 is based on completely unrealistic assumptions."

Full wire service article, SF Chronicle, February 12, 2007

Take your pick: Is DerBu$hler lying about his commitment to the troops, or about the VA budget? Either way, he's lying. Again.



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