Friday, March 02, 2007

New Improved Armageddon

Feds Select New Nuclear Warhead Design

...But military and Energy Department officials said the new U.S. warhead will not add to the nuclear arsenal, but replace existing warheads with ones that are safer and more reliable.

The new design is advertised as being more robust with additional features to safeguard them against possible theft or misuse.

Advocates for the warhead say it would give military commanders greater assurance of reliability and could speed the reduction of the deployed number of nuclear warheads from 6,000 to fewer than 2,000 by 2012.

Source: Wire service article, SF Chronicle, March 2, 2007


The head reels...

We can already destroy all life on this planet many times over, and have been able to do so for over 40 years. This is kinda like buying a new Lexus when all you need is something to take you to/from the grocery store and to church on Sundays.

But that's not efficient enough? Does Dr. Strangelove fear that a cockroach might survive Armageddon?

And yes, let's make sure they're not swiped. Quit storing them in unlocked garages but if they do, put something on them so a sensor goes off as they're taken out the door.

Reducing from 6000 to 2000...something tells me there isn't going to be a net decrease in kill-power.

People are dying in this country in droves, hundreds of thousands if not millions are homeless, we're selling our nation to China in the form of Treasury Bills, other countries are buying up our infrastructure...and yet, we need a new line of nukes to feed the insatiable appetite of the military industrial complex???



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