Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Some Lives Are Worth Far More Than Others

UPDATE: Published in the Independent UK, April 19, 2007. Interestingly, they added the word "Muslim" before the word "peasants".


The British newspapers are giving extensive coverage to the tragedy in Virginia. My letter to the Guardian UK, the Independent, the London Times, and the Telegraph UK:

Dear Editor,

The extensive coverage you are giving the Virginia shooting in the U.S. is quite interesting.

In Iraq, thanks to the US and Britain, such butchery would be considered a "slow day", with only a brief mention in your paper. But those are peasants, brown-skinned people whose lives don't count. Besides, publicizing the carnage caused by the U.S and British governments might impair the interests of the multinational oil cartel that both governments are subservient to.

Terry L. Clark


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