Monday, May 07, 2007

Gun Control & Civil Rights: DN Stumbles All Over Themselves

NRA Backs Gun Rights for Terrorism Suspects

The National Rifle Association is publicly backing the rights of suspects on terrorism watch lists to be able to buy firearms. The NRA has asked the Bush administration to withdraw its support from a bill that would prohibit arm sales to suspected terrorists. NRA Director Chris Cox criticized the bill saying it "would allow arbitrary denial of Second Amendment rights based on mere "suspicions" of a terrorist threat."

Source: Democracy Now, May 7, 2007


Perhaps there's no easy answer, but this indicates one of the many contradictions of the war OF terror, and the ineffectiveness of the pseudo-liberals.

The "watch lists" have been repeatedly shown to be sloppily compiled, ensnaring many people who have done nothing wrong than shared a name--or just a name similar to--someone who possibly should be on the lists. And many end up on such lists for no discernable reason whatsoever. It requires major bucks to hire an attorney to fight the watch lists, which of course few can afford to do.

It would seem to make sense that, if the watch lists are to be contested, those of us who support the US Constitution and the Bill Of Rights should join with the NRA so that only the genuinely dangerous are placed on such lists.

Instead, the pseudo-liberal mentality seems to be that liberals are opposed to watch lists--unless the watch lists happen to skewer a group the pseudo-liberals don't like. And then throwing the Constitution out with the proverbial bathwater is perfectly acceptable.



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