Petition: Stop The FDA From Taking Over Supplements
LEF describes the whole convoluted scheme in detail.
Life Extensions Foundation (LEF) has a form in which you can send their pre-fab letter or customize your own.
I used their form, plus emailed my CONgresspeople at their official websites
My email to both Senators Feinstein & Boxer (and, for good measure, Rep. Mike Thompson too:
The Food and Drug Administration Revitalization Act of 2007 sympolizes the attempted complete takeover of the national government by corporations.
Rather than being allowed to choose whether we live or die, the pharmaceutical drug cartel now wants to have that decision, too. And to have the power to jack up the price of supplements, just like they have in Europe.
This is not just a domestic issue, it is a worldwide threat.
It is long-past time that Congress stood up to BigPharma. Human beings, Americans, are more than profit centers for BigPharma.
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