Convenience Store Victim Gawking
The woman was stabbed during an altercation that was not part of a robbery, [police spokesman Gordon] Bassham said. It took about two minutes for someone to call 911, he said.
"This is just appalling," [Wichita Police Chief Norman] Williams told the newspaper. "I could continue shopping and not render aid and then take time out to take a picture? That's crazy. What happened to our respect for life?"
Full A.P. wire service article, SF Chronicle, July 4, 2007
Crazy? A surprise?
We kill over 10 billion living beings annualy because they taste good.
Over 650,000 killed between March 2003 and June 2006 because multinationa oil companies demand control of Iraqi oil? With how many million more to die due to US chemical warfare in the form of depleted uranium?
Nothing to be surprised about in this culture of death for short-term gratification.
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