Monday, August 06, 2007

Feingold's Latest Effort To Prove Complete Uselessness Of Democratic Party

Sen. Russ Feingold introduced a resolution Monday to censure President Bush, Vice President Cheney and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales for alleged misconduct involving the Iraq war and violations of Americans' civil liberties.

Full story, Appleton (Wisconsin) Post-Crescent, August 6, 2007


So what's the game?

The same CONgress that dropped to their knees to service their Dark Lord And Master in passing the latest expansion of spying on Americans is NOT going to censure any of the aforenamed.

Feingold's not an idiot, but he's erratic at best. For someone supposedly opposed to the Bu$h Regime, he recently voted to help DerBu$hler with the buildup toward war on Iran.

He knows his fellow Republicrats won't vote to censure. He knows that this latest failure to act will disillusion more Americans.

Running as a Independent in '08?

Keeping the pressure on the Republicrats by forcing them to go on record and show a glimpse of their true colors?

Stay tuned.



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