Friday, October 19, 2007

First The Blight Must Be Removed

[W]hat terrifies is the further realization of just how much it takes to trigger the public giant's synapses. Nothing has come to pass that wasn't predictable in the most elementary ways since 2001, from the plutocratic looting of America to the most blundering and imbecilic of foreign policies. Had Americans been paying attention, had they applied any real thought to the miserable paths being taken by the Bushies, the polling number of wrong trackers -- now at 66 percent -- would have been achieved six years ago. Yet it had to come to this.
The second and rather needless confirmation coming from the poll is that of the hard right's unshakable loyalty and solidarity.

One in every four, after all this. I could understand and accept one in every one hundred, or one thousand, or whatever statistic matches the frequency of severe mental illness among the general population. But one quarter? It chills the democratic bones, and indicates just how blindly allegiant is the right -- a steadfast allegiance whose recipient demonstrates his dementia on a daily basis...

[T]here is no confidence in any organized opposition to criminal dementia in the Oval Office, for the simple reason that there is no organized opposition to criminal dementia in the Oval Office.

Full article, by P.M. Carpenter, October 18, 2007


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