Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Immigrants Aren't Just Coming, They're Here & Voting!

Rep. Hunter: Undocumented Illegal Immigrants "Being Rounded Up and Forced to Illegally Vote"

In other campaign news, Republican presidential candidate Congressman Duncan Hunter has claimed undocumented workers are being rounded up and forced to illegally vote in the United States. He said "We have right now a real danger of people that are illegally in the country being rounded up, herded into the polls, we've seen that in California, voting illegally. That disenfranchises everybody in that community."

Source: Democracy Now, October 9, 2007


Once again, DN repeats a variation of long-discredited claim from the Goebbels wing of the Fourth Reich without pointing out that there's no evidence whatsoever to back it up. But when it comes to reporting of actual voter fraud, most excellently covered by Greg Palast in his book "Armed Madhouse" and elsewhere: Silence and Denial.



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