Thursday, April 08, 2021

Google Voice Couldn't Place Your Call

If you use Google Voice and have been getting error messages to the effect that the call can't go through, eg "google voice couldn't place your call to..." or a cryptic (and useless) notice that your call might not go through due to your internet settings, this may work for you:

Change the setting of "Use a proxy server" to OFF

I've previously noticed for awhile that having "Proxy Server" set to OFF improves internet speed and connectivity.  So it crossed my mind in attempting to troubleshoot the problem that that was worth checking.  Especially for reasons not yet determined, my system, without any intervention on my part,  occasionally switches that setting back to ON.

A whole separate question that I don't have the time or inclination to get into is, whether one might want to use a Proxy Server--whether the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

With Windows 10, you can, under "Type here to search", simply type in Proxy Settings, hit the Enter key, and you're there.

If you're running an earlier version of Windows, a different Operating System, or if the above doesn't otherwise work for you, a simple Google or DuckDuckGo search should lead you to the answer of how to change your Proxy Settings.

Will the above work for everyone? I have no idea. I did multiple internet searches, and only found frustrated users of Google Voice who were not finding or getting any answers that worked for them.



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