Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Censored, To Promote The Customers

The other day I received a notification (copy below) from Facebook that I had violated one of its Community Standards. As usual, Facebook did not give any indication which of its Laws Unto Itself had been breached.

What horrific misdeed had I committed this time? Sharing an article on something natural that might reduce suffering, extend or even save lives.

What is this “something natural”? Pine Tree Needles.

That's right. It violates Facebook Community Standards to mention the needles that grow on pine trees.

Merriam Webster defines “Consumer” as, “one that utilizes economic goods”.

In contrast, Merriam Webster defines “Customer” as, “one that purchases a commodity or service”.

One of the components of a standard business model is building a base with repeat Consumers.

But Facebook's business model is to ban information that might promote repeat Consumers. Dead Consumers don't continue to utilize goods.

On the other hand, the actual Customers will be around, or so Facebook's business plan is, long after the Consumers are maimed or killed.

Facebook is so determined to enforce its actual business plan that it scans Links from TinyUrl to make sure Forbidden Knowledge does not reach its Consumers, because that would counter the goals of its Customers.

Here's a direct Link to the article that the TinyUrl would have taken the Consumer to:

Is pine needle tea the answer to covid vaccine shedding / transmission? Learn about suramin, shikimic acid and how to make your own extracts


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