Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Malice Or Incompetence

When dealing with "Plausible Denial", it's often difficult to determine whether a particular government action is due to malice or complete incompetence that just happens to serve the government's purposes. Latest case in point: Thieves Steal Personal Data of 26.5M Vets. The official story: Thieves took sensitive personal information on 26.5 million U.S. veterans, including Social Security numbers and birth dates, after a Veterans Affairs employee improperly brought the material home, the government said Monday.

Quite a blast to those veterans who served their country with honor, many of who gave up the best years of their life and will pay dearly for the rest of their life. This will give them something to grapple with besides, oh, say, the lack of medical and other benefits, and they won't have as much time to focus as much on opposing Operation Iraqi Liberation.



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