More Government Spying On Gays & Students
The Department of Defense (DOD) has confirmed it conducted surveillance, on a more extensive level than previously reported, of student groups at universities in California, New Jersey and Connecticut. Some of that surveillance, new documents suggests, may have been part of an undercover Pentagon operation. The information was released in a June 15 letter to counsel for Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by the organization. The letter and the accompanying
TALON reports reveal government surveillance of "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" and anti-war protests at the State University of New York at Albany (SUNY Albany), William Paterson University in New Jersey, Southern Connecticut State University and the University of California at Berkeley.
Full Press Release, Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, June 26, 2006
We can't catch any of the bad people who really do want to do horrible things, nor the corporate executives at Halliburton and the oil companies who are fleecing us royally, not those in government who are lying and making up their own "facts" to mislead this country into war without end, but by golly, our government will make sure that only heterosexual missionary positions occur in the US of A. And if Jesus shows up, we'll spy on Him and send his peacenik self off to one of the concentration camps.
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