Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Visit To The US Colony Of Iraq

Buried in the tenth paragraph of an AP dispatch on DerBu$hler's "surprise" trip to Iraq is this little gem:

Al-Maliki, who didn't know Bush was coming until five minutes before they met, said that Iraq was "determined to succeed, and we have to defeat terrorists and defeat all the hardships."
Full Article, San Francisco Chronicle, June 13, 2006

Al-Miliki, of course, is the recently selected--Let's get rid of the pretense that he was "elected" independent of the commands of the US--Prime Minister of the US Colony Of Iraq. It wasn't that long ago that his predecessor was ousted on the orders of the US.

What is sad is the lack of analysis. The myth: Al-Maliki is supposedly the leader of an independent sovereign nation, and a trusted ally of the US who, the story goes, wants the US there (at least for an unspecified while--I guess he wants to live). The reality: The head of the occupying colonial power comes to visit his rebellious territory, and the local puppet can't be trusted, and has no say in whether to accept this "visitor".



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