Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Long-Term VA Costs: Tip Of The Iceberg

None of the articles on long-term VA "costs" address so many additional costs.

See, for example, the superficial treatment from Democracy Now, February 6, 2007.

For example, "mental health" consists largely of drugs. More mind control. More masking symptoms without dealing with the underlying actual trauma. There is no plan or policy to provide the comprehensive one-on-one counseling that is needed. Side effects of all those drugs. Lost wages, lost productivity, lost quality of life, broken families. Megabucks for BigPharma. DNA damage that isn't going to stop with the returning Vets, but which will be passed on to their offspring.

And the physical injuries? The initial surgery may go ok--but I have received plenty of calls from people wanting to sue the VA for that too. And once the surgery is over, more drugs, more liver damage, more early death, more DNA damage to future generations.

$660 billion? Not even close. The REAL question is, who will pay the price?



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