Christianity Unrecognizable
Christianity unrecognizable
It must be an election year. The theocons (Robertson, Falwell, Dobson and their cadre of the religious right) and the political right are fomenting all the sexual, emotional and divisive issues -- homosexuality, choice, stem cells, flag burning, creationism and chauvinistic patriotism. The political right (those that control the presidency, Congress and the Supreme Court) promotes giving more money to the rich, aggressive militarism and authoritarianism. The theocons and their intolerant and sanctimonious religious beliefs combined with the selfishness and materialism of the extreme political right has created a "Christianity" that is unrecognizable to the message of Jesus in the New Testament.
I am saddened that "Christianity" has become a tool of the rich and powerful and now fully supports war and torture. I am saddened that "Christianity" chooses to hate our sisters and brothers with different sexual orientations. I am saddened that "Christians" are only concerned that they are not "left behind" and are in full support of the demagogues and charlatans that want to use "Christianity" to get rich and control more of the world. I am appalled by this distortion of Christianity. The God I know through Jesus requires that we create peace, equality, justice, compassion and healing.
How in the world did "Christianity" become the antithesis of what Jesus taught and lived?
It must be an election year.
Salina [Kansas]
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